Tuesday, August 5, 2008

10 Indie Moments, 10 Indie Years

This article speaks of important Indie events that have happened over the last 10 years. These events have helped to mold Indie into what it is today. They also help to draw a picture of where Indie is headed. Take a look into the Past, Present and Future of Indie!

From Aimee Mann To Z-Trip, CMJ Charts

The Last Ten Years In Independent Music
Jul 2, 2008
By Michael Tedder

In 1998, online retailer GoodNoise sold the first legal mp3s on the internet. Because the major labels would consider the format tantamount to piracy for the next few years, GoodNoise's catalog was restricted to independent and unsigned artists. And though it would take GoodNoise several years, and a name change to eMusic, to make a sizeable dent in the marketplace, the digitial rubicon had been crossed.

For the most part, the independent music scene embraced internet distribution while the major labels fought it kicking and screaming. That's a primary reason why the former has experienced unprecedented success since, while the latter has struggled to survive. To mark the American Association of Independent Music's Independents Day 08 event—a celebration of everything that the independent community has achieved—CMJ is counting down the ten most important moments in the past ten years of indie music. Sure, no list could possibly hope to capture everything this community has experienced in the past decade, and we'll cop right away to a variety of omissions, such as the rise of weblogs and satellite radio. That said, CMJ is proud to have taken the bumpy ride through the past ten years of independent music along with the legions of artists, labels and fans. It's your day, people. Enjoy it.

Link to article HERE.

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